Office of STEM Outreach & Diversity
Many faculty and staff run educational and enrichment activities for middle-school and high-school students at BU. The purpose of these activities, which range from language competitions to science days, is to share the university’s resources with pre-college students and stimulate their interest in various academic disciplines. Secondarily, bringing talented pre-college students to campus allows the university to form stronger connections with the surrounding community.
The Director, Jessie Guinn, handles the internal organization associated with particular events (e.g., mailings, reservations, meals) and contacts with outside teachers, funding sources, remote sites, etc. Ideas for new programs in any field are always welcomed. If you want to join an existing program or start a new outreach effort for high-school or middle-school students, please email jguinnjr@bu.edu.
Supporting the Office of STEM Outreach & Diversity!
The Office of STEM Outreach & Diversity’s mission is to advance the CAS goals of contributing to the community by connecting K-12 students and teachers with immersive, hands-on, and diverse educational experiences developed and/or hosted at Boston University. The office’s past and continued success within the community is made possible by the funding support from our sponsors. Funds support established and newly developed programs for K-12 students and teachers through community outreach events, conference attendance for selected students, undergraduate & graduate program staff, program fee scholarships, and resources.
If you are interested in making a gift to LERNet, please click the button below, specify the amount that you would like to donate, select “College of Arts & Sciences” as the fund in the “Choose Your Cause” section, and then note in the box below that you would like for your gift to be “directed towards the CAS Office of STEM Outreach & Diversity.”